The bustling city of Manaus, situated in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, is heavily influenced by significant migration flows. Despite the forest’s potential to provide a wide range of agricultural products, the region lacks local production, effective distribution systems, as well as knowledge and research on soils and agricultural methods, particularly in agroecology. Currently, 90% of food is imported from other states. This is where we step in!

Since 2020, we have been operating as the collective Arte & Escola na Floresta with the agricultural and arts project Agricultura Participativa, funded through our own resources at the CTA (Centro Treinamento Agroflorestal). The CTA is located approximately 20 km from the city limits of Manaus in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, within the ecological corridor of the Adolphe Ducke Reserve.

The CTA was initially established as an extension of the botanical garden MUSA (Museum of Amazonia). Its infrastructure includes accommodation for 50 people, an open kitchen, sanitary facilities, storage spaces for agricultural machinery, and two greenhouses. These facilities were created with public funding, but activities were suspended due to political differences, leaving the center without adequate financial support.

Our goal is to integrate the existing infrastructure into the new project, expand it with additional facilities, and ensure its long-term use and sustainability.