Tera Kuno raises awareness and moves!

Tera Kuno raises awareness and moves!

Tera Kuno means “Land of Us All.” We are committed to research, promotion, and communication of ecologically sustainable agroforestry systems – known as “forest gardens” – in the Brazilian Amazon. In this, we connect agriculture with artistic and innovative work.

Our activities are organized into the following programs:

Arte & Escola na Floresta

  • Participatory Agriculture (Life School/Living and Active School)
  • Popularization of Science and Agroecological Knowledge
  • Art – Artistic Perspectives

Ajuri Agroecológico

  • Weekly community efforts with 8 families
  • Sale of shared vegetable boxes
  • Transport to the local market

Amazon Food

  • Processing and product development
  • Kombucha and other fermented drinks

Floresta Tech

  • Social technology and technical support

Your support brings us a significant step closer to a sustainable future!

As a tax-exempt, non-profit Swiss association, we directly support the activities of the Tera Kuno Institute Brazil, a non-profit organization with the vision of preserving the Amazon rainforest for its inhabitants and making it sustainably usable. Tera Kuno Switzerland serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and artistic action, because art educates and connects! Whether research, workshops, exhibitions, or entertainment: Tera Kuno raises awareness and inspires!

Tera Kuno Association
(Association address without street)
8032 Zurich

Donations Switzerland
RaiseNow General Donation
RaiseNow Tree Sponsorship

Bank Details Switzerland
Rahn & Bodmer Zurich
IBAN CH 88 0877 9001 9107 2201 4

Bank Account Brazil
Banco do Brasil Agencia 5785
IBAN BR 44 0000 0000 0578 5000 0385 972C1